The next day, we spent the night at an inn in the Elf Queen Nation's capital.
We wake up early in the morning and immediately go to the Adventurer's Guild to take the Mystery Giant Tower Investigation quest and head to the site.
The area near the entrance to the forest is full of people.
There are soldiers guarding the road, merchants, prostitutes, and adventurers.
The soldiers and adventurers are the most numerous.
The soldiers who guard the streets gather there to protect order. They also use this area as a resting place because they believe that many people keep monsters away and allow them to respond quickly.
Adventurers stay here because it's too much trouble to travel back to the capital every single day.
We already knew all of this information in advance.
Some people who had left Naraku to investigate the surface world about a year ago also came here ahead of us and gathered information to pass on to us.
Some of them are human adventurers with haircuts that look like chicken tusks, and I see them in the corner of my eye.
They noticed us too, but they are pretending not to know us and are preparing to enter the forest.
(The Mohicans stand out and are easy to recognize thanks to their hairstyles. I think that hairstyle is not bad
it makes them stand out as an adventurer and gives a strong impression....... Why did May and the others say that it is a terrible hairstyle?)
I once talked about the Mohicans' hairstyles when I was in Naraku.
Then Mei, Aoyuki, Elly, and even Nazuna said, "That's a terrible hairstyle! My (Master, Lord, God), please keep your hair the way it is!".
I have no intention of changing my hairstyle. But I think Mohawk is a good hairstyle for someone who works as an adventurer and makes a strong impression....... I couldn't say anything to the girls because they were coming at me with a devilish expression.
As I look around, remembering the past, I see two other familiar faces: the two elf adventurers who disturbed us yesterday afternoon at the adventurer's guild.
"Tsk, those trash. They look at us with disgusting stares....... If Dark-sama gives me his permission, I will cut off their heads right now as punishment for their disrespectful attitude yesterday......."
The two elf adventurers are staring at us and then turned their lecherous and lustful eyes to Nemumu's face, breast, and legs.
Nemumu, probably uncomfortable with their stares, became irritated and muttered to herself.
On the other hand, Gold quietly whispered some advice into my ear.
"My Lord, the two men from yesterday. Judging from their attitude and movements, they are planning to attack us in the forest. We won't lose, but is it okay to leave them alone?"
We plan to enter the forest and meet up with Elly and the others at the Giant Tower.
Although it is unlikely, Gold is concerned about the possibility that the two elves would follow us and see us meeting up with Elly and the others at the Giant Tower.
Nemumu, who had been annoyed by their unpleasant stares quickly reacts when she heard Gold's words.
"...... Dark-sama, if you order me to, I will immediately separate their heads from their bodies forever?"
I'm sure the UR, level 5,000 Assassin Blade Nemumu can chop off their heads without anyone noticing, even in front of a forest full of people.
However, I smile and shake my head.
"I do not doubt Nemumu's skill, but if suddenly two heads cut off without any sign, everyone will be surprised. We can go into the forest and deal with them if they really attack us."
"I'm sorry, Dark-sama. I didn't think that far ahead.......
"Don't worry about it. I'm not a woman, so I don't know, but the way they look at you is really creepy, isn't it? If you want, you can hide behind Gold or me."
"Da, Dark-sama....... I don't deserve your kind words......
Nemumu's face is blushing, maybe because she is so happy to be protected by me.
Her facial expression
is so charming that all adventurers around us are attracted to her.
On the other hand, Gold is laughing in front of Nemumu, who makes such charming expressions and gestures.
"Wahahahaha! They're looking at Nemumu's flat chest too, you know.
What's so fun about looking at a cutting board."
"Gold! Who's the cutting board! I'm telling you I'm normal!"
For a different reason than when he was protected by me, Nemumu blushes and kicks Gold's legs.
It didn't hurt Gold, who is wearing full body armor, and he kept laughing happily.
 --Suddenly, his laughter stopped.
Nemumu, who had been kicking Gold's legs out of embarrassment, also made a serious face.
I also keep my voice as calm as possible and warn them.
"Both of you, don't take any action yet. I will also hold myself back, so be patient."
"I understand, my Lord."
"As you wish, Dark-sama."
Gold and Nemumu's voice sounds stiff.
I'm aware that my own voice sounds stiff.
A carriage goes down the street and comes to a stop.
Two elf men came down. One with silver hair and the other with blond hair.
From their worn-out armor and the way they immediately check their surroundings, I can tell that they are experienced adventurers.
Escorted by these two men, Sasha - my revenge target comes down from the carriage.
I am aware that my back teeth are gritting.
I showed myself to her for a moment to give her the note, but I didn't see her clearly. This is the 1st time I look at her this close since she almost killed me in Naraku.
It would be easy to let my emotions get the better of me and kill her right here, but that wouldn't give Sasha even one ten-thousandth of the despair I felt.
I'm not going to let her die that easy!
Now I must be patient so that she can taste the same despair that I felt.
We turn our backs on her and start preparing to enter the forest.
"Nemumu, take the lead. Let's check the forest first before we proceed to the giant tower."
"I understand. We should avoid the monsters as much as possible, right?
"Yes, please. Gold, you cover the rear."
"Okay. I'll take the rear."
It would be unnatural for an adventurer to charge into the forest without any sort of plan, so we have a conversation.
My level has increased, and my senses have become more sensitive.
Even though we've purposely ignored her, Sasha is coming towards us.
"Hey you, human over there!"
"...... What do you want?"
After almost three years, I finally met Sasha face to face.
(The Mohicans stand out and are easy to recognize thanks to their hairstyles. I think that hairstyle is not bad
it makes them stand out as an adventurer and gives a strong impression....... Why did May and the others say that it is a terrible hairstyle?) -> (The Mohicans stand out and are easy to recognize thanks to their hairstyles. I think that hairstyle is not bad because it makes them stand out as an adventurer and gives a strong impression....... Why did Mei and the others say that it is a terrible hairstyle?)
"...... Dark-sama, if you order me to, I will immediately separate their heads from their bodies forever?" > "...... Dark-sama, if you order me to, Shall I immediately separate their heads from their bodies forever?"
two heads cut off without any sign > two heads are to be sliced off without any sign
Her facial expression
is so charming that all adventurers around us are attracted to her. > Her facial expression is so charming that all the adventurers around us were attracted to her.